Recruitment Portal

CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology (CSIR-IMMT), Bhubaneswar, a premier National Institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) engaged in multidisciplinary R&D for sustainable development of mineral and material resources, invites only Online application from bonafide eligible Indian citizens having motivation, aptitude, domain knowledge.

Contact for any queries.

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Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(JSAG) Jr. Secretariat Assistant (Gen), -,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 07 (UR-04, OBC-01, SC-01, ST-01)
Level 2, Rs. 19900- Rs. 63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 35,804/ -
EQ: 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer typing speed and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DOPT from time to time.
DQ: Knowledge of computer, preferably MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point after fulfilling essential qualification.
(JSAF) Jr. Secretariat Assistant (F&A) , -,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 03 (UR-02, ST-01)
Level 2, Rs. 19900- Rs. 63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 35,804/ -
EQ: 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer typing speed and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DOPT from time to time.
DQ: Knowledge of computer, preferably MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point after fulfilling essential qualification.
(JSAP) Jr. Secretariat Assistant (S&P) , -,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 03 (UR-02, SC-01)
Level 2, Rs. 19900- Rs. 63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 35,804/ -
EQ: 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer typing speed and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DOPT from time to time.
DQ: Knowledge of computer, preferably MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point after fulfilling essential qualification.
Advertisement No.DateLast Date of
06/2024 (Corrigendum Attached)12/12/202410/01/2025Click Here
Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(JS01) Junior Stenographer, UR,
Age Limit: 27,
No. of Posts: 02
Level-4, Rs. 25,500 - Rs. 81100
Total Emoluments: Rs. 46,869/-
EQ: 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in stenography as per the prescribed norms fixed by DOPT from time to time.
DQ: Working knowledge in computer, preferably Ms-Office, Ms-Word, Ms-Excel, Power Point after fulfilling essential qualification
Advertisement No.DateLast Date of
05/2024 (Corrigendum Attached)02/12/202415/01/2025Click Here
Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(SA01) Security Assistant/ Watch & Ward Assistant, UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level-6, Rs. 35,400 - Rs. 1,12,400
Total Emoluments: Rs. 63,996/-
EQ: Ex-servicemen, JCO in Army or other Paramilitary Forces with five years experience in the work of security
DQ: Good verbal communication in Hindi & English and written communication skill with knowledge of computers and modern fire-fighting and security monitoring systems.
Advertisement No.DateLast Date of
01/202231/01/202228/02/2022Click Here
Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(SA01) Security Assistant / Watch / Ward Assistant, UR,
Age Limit: Not more than 28 years as on the last date for receipt of online application. Relaxation in age limit for Ex-servicemen/SC/ST/OBC candidates, as prescribed by the Govt. of India (GOI) from time to time will continue to be operative. The date of determining the upper age limit shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of Online Application.,
No. of Posts: 01
Level-6, Rs.35,400 - Rs. 1,12,400
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs. 55,104/-
EQ: Ex-servicemen, JCO in Army or other Paramilitary Forces with five years experience in the work of security.
DQ: Good verbal communication in Hindi & English and written communication skill with knowledge of computers and modern fire fighting and security monitoring systems.
Advertisement No.DateLast Date of
05/202125/11/202124/12/2021Click Here
Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(JHT) Junior Hindi Translator, UR,
Age Limit: 30,
No. of Posts: 01
Level-6, Rs. 35,400 - 1,12,400
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs.55,104/-
EQ: (1)Master's degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at the degree level; OR Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi or English medium and English or Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at the degree level; OR Master’s degree of a recognized University or equivalent in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as a compulsory or elective subjects of either or the two as the medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at degree level; AND (2) Recognized Diploma or Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English & vice versa or two years’ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central or State government offices, including Government of India undertaking.
DQ: (i) Knowledge at the level of Matriculation of a recognized Board or equivalent of one of the languages other than Hindi mentioned in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution. (ii) Degree or Diploma in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa from a recognized University
Advertisement No.DateLast Date of
02/2021 (Corrigendum Attached)20/05/202121/06/2021Click Here
Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(JSAG) Junior Secretariat Assistant (G), -,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 07 (UR-04, SC-01, ST-01, EWS-01)
Level-2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 27,936/-
EQ: 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer typing speed (English-35 w.p.m.) and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DOPT from time to time.Details
(JSAF) Junior Secretariat Assistant (F&A), UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 02
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 27,936/-
EQ: 10+2/XII or its equivalent with Accountancy as one of the subjects and proficiency in computer typing speed (English-35 w.p.m.) and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DOPT from time to time.Details
(JSAP) Junior Secretariat Assistant (S&P), -,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 03 (UR-02, ST-01)
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 27,936/-
EQ: 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer typing speed (English-35 w.p.m.) and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DOPT from time to time.Details
(JSTE) Junior Stenographer, UR,
Age Limit: 27,
No. of Posts: 02
Level-4, 25500-81100
Total Emoluments: Rs. 36,021/-
EQ: 10+2/XII or its equivalent and proficiency in computer typing speed (English-35 w.p.m.) and in using computer as per the prescribed norms fixed by DOPT from time to time.Details
Advertisement No.DateLast Date of
01/2021 (Corrigendum Attached)15/04/202117/05/2021Click Here
Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(4201) Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg. OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg.
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/ CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg. / Materials Engg. / Chemical Engg. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject already mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. from Indian Universities.
(4202) Scientist, SC,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg. OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg.
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/ CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Mineral Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg. / Materials Engg. / Chemical Engg. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject already mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. from Indian Universities.
(4203) Scientist, ST,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Chemical Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical Engg./ Mechanical Engg./Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Chem. Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./Materials Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical Engg./ Mechanical Engg./Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg.
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Chem. Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject already mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/ CPI etc. from Indian Universities.
(4204) Scientist, EWS,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Chemical Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical Engg./ Mechanical Engg./Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Chem. Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./Materials Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical Engg./ Mechanical Engg./Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg.
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Chem. Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject already mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/ CPI etc. from Indian Universities.
(4205) Scientist, OBC,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Metallurgical Engg./ Materials Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Ceramic Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Metallurgical Engg./ Materials Science & Engg./ Ceramic Engg./ Mechanical Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg. OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Metallurgical Engg./ Materials Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Ceramic Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Metallurgical Engg. / Materials Science & Engg./ Ceramic Engg./ Mechanical Engg./ Materials Engg./ Chemical Engg.
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engg./ Materials Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Ceramic Engg. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject already mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/ CPI etc. from Indian Universities.
(4206) Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Chemical Engg./ Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. with B.E./ B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical / Metallurgical / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. / Ceramic Engg. /Mineral Engg. OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Chemical / Metallurgical/Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical / Metallurgical / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. / Ceramic Engg. /Mineral Engg.
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B. Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Chemical Engg./ Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject already mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/ CPI etc. from Indian Universities.
(4207) Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech. Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Environmental Engg. / Biochemical Engg./ Biotechnology with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical Engg./Biochemical Engg./ Biotechnology / Civil Engg./ Environmental Engg. OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Environmental Engg./Biochemical Engg./Biotechnology with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical Engg. / Biochemical Engg. / Biotechnology / Civil Engg./ Environmental Engg.
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Environmental Engg. / Biochemical Engg. / Bio-technology and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject already mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. from Indian Universities.
(4208) Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Computer Science / Information Technology with MCA / M.Sc. (Computer Science/ Information Technology) OR M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) in Computer Science / Information Technology with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Computer Science & Engg./ Electrical Engg. / Electronics Engg./ Instrumentation Engg. OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Computer Science/ Information Technology with MCA / M.Sc. (Computer Science/ Information Technology) OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Computer Science/ Information Technology with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Computer Science & Engg./ Electrical Engg. / Electronics Engg./ Instrumentation Engg.
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Computer Science/ Information Technology and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject already mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. from Indian Universities.
(4209) Scientist, OBC,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Mechanical Engg./ Fuel Engg./ Chemical Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Mechanical Engg./Fuel Engg./ Chemical Engg. OR Ph.D. (submitted) in Mechanical Engg./ Fuel Engg./ Chemical Engg., with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Mechanical Engg./Fuel Engg./ Chemical Engg.
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Mechanical Engg./Fuel Engg./ Chemical Engg. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject already mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having direct Ph.D. after B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in relevant subject. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent).
(4210) Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 94,253/-
EQ: Ph.D. (submitted) in Geology/Applied Geology after M.Sc./M.Sc. Tech./M.Tech. in Geology/ Applied Geology.
DQ: M.Tech./M.Sc./M.Sc. Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Mineralogy/ Petrology/ Coal Petrology / Ore Geology / Geochemistry and M.Sc./M.Sc. Tech./M.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in subject as mentioned in EQ. GATE / UGC / CSIR-NET qualification or DST-INSPIRE Fellowship for those with degrees from Indian Universities.
(4301) Senior Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 37,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-12, 78800-209200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 1,09,016/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Metallurgical Engg. / Material Science & Engg. / Materials Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Mechanical Engg. / Chemical Engg. and 3 years experience in the relevant area after M.E. / M.Tech. (or equivalent). OR Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engg./ Material Sc. & Engg./ Material Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Metallurgical Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Mechanical Engg. / Chemical Engg.
DQ: For M.E./M.Tech.: B.E./B.Tech. and M.E./M.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. from Indian Universities. Ph.D. thesis topic related to Hydro & Electro-metallurgy after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / after finishing M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject area as mentioned in EQ.
(4302) Senior Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 37,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-12, 78800-209200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 1,09,016/-
EQ: M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Metallurgical Engg./ Materials Science & Engg./Ceramic Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Metallurgical Engg. / Materials Science & Engg./ Ceramic Engg. / Materials Engg. / Mechanical Engg. and 3 years experience in the relevant area after M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent). OR Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engg./ Materials Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Ceramic Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Metallurgical Engg. / Materials Science & Engg./ Ceramic Engg. / Materials Engg. / Mechanical Engg. and 3 years experience in the relevant area after M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent).
DQ: M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject as mentioned in EQ / Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engg./ Materials Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Ceramic Engg. after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject mentioned in EQ / after finishing M.E./M.Tech. and B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. in the subject area mentioned in EQ. GATE qualification for those having M.E./M.Tech. (or equivalent) / Direct Ph.D. degrees after finishing B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/CPI etc. from Indian Universities. Ph.D. thesis topic related to the area of job requirement.
(4401) Principal Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 45,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-13, 123100-215900
Total Emoluments: Rs. 1,67,935/-
EQ: Ph.D. in Chemical/ Metallurgical/ Materials Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Mechanical Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical/ Metallurgical / Mineral Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Mechanical Engg. and 3 years experience in the relevant area after Ph.D.
DQ: Experience in modeling and simulation of industrial scale chemical/ metallurgical/ mineral processing units/ similar units. Handled project in the relevant area independently.
(4402) Principal Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 45,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-13, 123100-215900
Total Emoluments: Rs. 1,67,935/-
EQ: Ph.D. in Chemical/ Metallurgical/ Materials Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Mechanical Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent) in Chemical/ Metallurgical / Mineral Engg./ Material Science & Engg./ Materials Engg./ Mechanical Engg. and 3 years experience in the relevant area after Ph.D.
DQ: Ph.D. with M.E./M.Tech./ M.Sc.(Engg.) after B.E./B.Tech. with higher percentage of marks/ CGPA/ CPI etc. after satisfying EQ.
(4501) Senior Principal Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 50,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-13A, 131100-216600
Total Emoluments: Rs. 1,78,575/-
EQ: Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engg./ Materials Science and Engg./ Materials Engg. with B.E./B.Tech. (or equivalent e.g., Integrated M.Tech., Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Metallurgical Engg./ Materials Science and Engg./ Materials Engg. and 6 years experience in the relevant area after Ph.D.
DQ: Experience in the area of extractive metallurgy/ Mechanical Metallurgy. Handled project in the relevant area independently.
Advertisement No.DateLast Date of
03/2020 (Corrigendum Attached)21/12/202001/02/2021Click Here
Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(201) Technician (1), SC,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in Electronics Mechanic or national/state trade certificate in Electronics Mechanic or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(202) Technician (1), UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in Machinist or national/state trade certificate in Machinist or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(203) Technician (1), UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in Fitter or national/state trade certificate in Fitter or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(204) Technician (1), ST,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in Instrument Mechanic or national/state trade certificate in Instrument Mechanic or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(205) Technician (1), ST,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in Welder or national/state trade certificate in Welder or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(206) Technician (1), EWS,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in Carpentry or national/state trade certificate in Carpentry or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(207) Technician (1), UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in Electrician or national/state trade certificate in Electrician or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(208) Technician (1), UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in Information Communication Technology Maintenance System or national/state trade certificate in Information communication Technology Maintenance System or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(209) Technician (1), UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic or national/state trade certificate in Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Mechanic or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(210) Technician (1), UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 03
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in COPA (Computer Operation & Programming Assistant) or national/state trade certificate or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(210) Technician (1), SC,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in COPA (Computer Operation & Programming Assistant) or national/state trade certificate or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
(210) Technician (1), ST,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 01
Level 2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. Rs 27,936/-
EQ: SSC/10th Standard with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in COPA (Computer Operation & Programming Assistant) or national/state trade certificate or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade.Details
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Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(TC01) Technician (1), UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-2, 19900-63200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 27936
EQ: SSC/10th standard with science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI certificate in plumbing of national / state trade certificate or 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institution in the relevant trade i.e. Plumbing.
DQ: Candidates having experience/exposure in the field of job requirement after acquiring the essential qualification will be preferred.
Advertisement No.DateLast Date of
02/201903/10/201911/11/2019Click Here
Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(EEE-01) Executive Engineer (Electrical), UR,
Age Limit: 40,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 90668
EQ: B.E./ B.Tech. in Electrical Engg. with 55% marks with five years experience in the area of job requirement.
DQ: M.E./ M.Tech. in Electrical Engg. after 1st Class B.E./B.Tech. in Electrical Engg. with required experience.
Advertisement No.DateLast Date of
01/201916/09/201921/10/2019Click Here
Post DetailsPay Qualification & Experience#
(S01) Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 2
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 90668
EQ: M.E./M.Tech./M.Sc. (Engg.) or Ph.D. (Engg.) submitted in Metallurgy / Materials Science & Engg. / Chemical Eng. / Mechanical Engg. / Mineral Engg. / Material Resource Engg. / Material Engg.
DQ: Ph.D. with ME / M.Tech. / M.Sc. (Engg.) after 1st Class B.E./B.Tech. and GATE qualified with valid score after satisfying EQ.
(S02) Scientist, OBC,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 2
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 90668
EQ: M.E./M.Tech./M.Sc. (Engg.) or Ph.D. (Engg.) submitted in Metallurgy / Materials Science & Engg. / Chemical Eng. / Mechanical Engg. / Mineral Engg. / Material Resource Engg. / Material Engg.
DQ: Ph.D. with ME / M.Tech. / M.Sc. (Engg.) after 1st Class B.E./B.Tech. and GATE qualified with valid score after satisfying EQ.
(S03) Scientist, SC,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 2
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 90668
EQ: M.E./M.Tech./M.Sc. (Engg.) or Ph.D. (Engg.) submitted in Metallurgy / Materials Science & Engg. / Chemical Eng. / Mechanical Engg. / Mineral Engg. / Material Resource Engg. / Material Engg.
DQ: Ph.D. with ME / M.Tech. / M.Sc. (Engg.) after 1st Class B.E./B.Tech. and GATE qualified with valid score after satisfying EQ.
(S04) Scientist, ST,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 2
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 90668
EQ: M.E./M.Tech./M.Sc. (Engg.) or Ph.D. (Engg.) submitted in Metallurgy / Materials Science & Engg. / Chemical Eng. / Mechanical Engg. / Mineral Engg. / Material Resource Engg. / Material Engg.
DQ: Ph.D. with ME / M.Tech. / M.Sc. (Engg.) after 1st Class B.E./B.Tech. and GATE qualified with valid score after satisfying EQ.
(S05) Scientist, EWS,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 90668
EQ: M.E./M.Tech./M.Sc. (Engg.) or Ph.D. (Engg.) submitted in Metallurgy / Materials Science & Engg. / Chemical Eng. / Mechanical Engg. / Mineral Engg. / Material Resource Engg. / Material Engg.
DQ: Ph.D. with ME / M.Tech. / M.Sc. (Engg.) after 1st Class B.E./B.Tech. and GATE qualified with valid score after satisfying EQ.
(S06) Principal Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 45,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-13, 123100-215900
Total Emoluments: Rs. 161600
EQ: Ph.D. in the area of Metallurgy / Material Engg / Chemical Engg. / Mechanical Engg. / Mineral Sc.& Engg. with 3 years’ experience in the relevant area.
DQ: Ph.D. with ME/M.Tech./M.Sc.(Engg.) after 1st Class B.E./B.Tech after satisfying EQ.
(S07) Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 32,
No. of Posts: 2
Level-11, 67700-208700
Total Emoluments: Rs. 90668
EQ: M.E./M.Tech./M.Sc.(Engg.) or Ph.D. (Engg.) submitted in Chemical / Mechanical Engg
DQ: Ph.D. with M.E. / M.Tech / M.Sc. (Engg.) after 1st Class B.E./B.Tech. and GATE qualified with valid score after satisfying EQ
(S08) Senior Scientist, UR,
Age Limit: 37,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-12, 78800-209200
Total Emoluments: Rs. 104896
EQ: Ph.D. (Chemical Engg. / Mechanical Engg.) or M.E./M.Tech./ in (Chemical / Energy / Mechanical Engg.) with 3 years’ experience in the relevant area.
DQ: Ph.D. with M.E./M.Tech. after 1st Class B.E./B.Tech. after satisfying EQ.
(T01) Technical Assistant, UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-6, 35400-112400
Total Emoluments: Rs. 47328
EQ: 1st Class B.Sc. with Physics as a major subject with one year experience in the relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/Organization.
DQ: M.Sc. in Physics after satisfying EQ.
(T02) Technical Assistant, OBC,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-6, 35400-112400
Total Emoluments: Rs. 47328
EQ: 1st Class B.Sc. with Physics as a major subject with one year experience in the relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/Organization.
DQ: M.Sc. in Physics after satisfying EQ.
(T03) Technical Assistant, UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-6, 35400-112400
Total Emoluments: Rs. 47328
EQ: 1st Class B.Sc. with Chemistry as a major subject with one year experience in the relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/Organization.
DQ: M.Sc. in Chemistry after satisfying EQ.
(T04) Technical Assistant, OBC,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-6, 35400-112400
Total Emoluments: Rs. 47328
EQ: 1st Class B.Sc. with Chemistry as a major subject with one year experience in the relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/Organization.
DQ: M.Sc. in Chemistry after satisfying EQ.
(T05) Technical Assistant, UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-6, 35400-112400
Total Emoluments: Rs. 47328
EQ: 1st Class B.Sc. with B. Lib. Science.
DQ: M. Lib. Sc., with computer knowledge after satisfying EQ.
(T06) Technical Assistant, UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 2
Level-6, 35400-112400
Total Emoluments: Rs. 47328
EQ: 1st Class Diploma in Metallurgical Engg./Tech. of at least 3 years full time duration or at least 2 years full time duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma courses, with experience of 02 years in the relevant area/field. Details
(T07) Technical Assistant, UR,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-6, 35400-112400
Total Emoluments: Rs. 47328
EQ: 1st Class B.Sc. in Computer Sc. / Information Tech. with one year experience in the relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/Organisation OR 1st Class Diploma in Computer Sc./Engg./Tech. of at least 3 years full time duration or 2 years duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma course with 2 years’ experience in the relevant field/area.
DQ: B.Tech./B.E. in CSE/IT/ Computer Sc./IT after satisfying EQ.
(T08) Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer, EWS,
Age Limit: 28,
No. of Posts: 1
Level-6, 35400-112400
Total Emoluments: Rs. 47328
EQ: 1st Class Diploma in Electrical Engg. of at least 3 years full time duration or at least 2 years full time duration in case of lateral admission in Diploma courses, with experience of 2 years in the relevant area/field. Details